



发布时间:2025-02-09 02:07人气:
本文摘要:Samsung Electronics camera ambitions are far from over. A patent filing registered earlier this month with Korean authorities shows that the company has been toying with a new tool for its cameras: transparent displays. 三星电子(Samsung Electronics)在照相机领域的执着预想负于。

Samsung Electronics camera ambitions are far from over. A patent filing registered earlier this month with Korean authorities shows that the company has been toying with a new tool for its cameras: transparent displays. 三星电子(Samsung Electronics)在照相机领域的执着预想负于。3月份在韩国有关部门注册的专利申请文件表明,这家公司在考虑到为它的照相机减少一个新的工具:半透明屏幕。

This design is of a digital camera using a transparent display that allows the person taking the photo and the subject of the photo-shoot to look at each other and have direct eye-contact for photo shooting, according to the filing reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. 《华尔街日报》看见的申请人文件说道:“这个设计是一款使用半透明屏幕的数码相机,使照片拍摄者和摄制对象需要为了照片而互相对视、必要做到眼神认识。”The device, as seen in the diagram, comes with a body that resembles a compact camera rather than more professionally used digital single-lens reflex cameras that have much bigger image sensors and multiple lens options. 如示意图右图,这款设备的机身像一个紧凑型照相机,而不是用途更加专业、影像传感器大很多、可以自由选择多种镜头的数字单反相机。

The main body will simply have a wide transparent display with lens and flashes and it will have a power button on one side, the filing said. No dimensions were given. 申请人文件说道,主体部分将只是一个具有镜头和闪光灯的大面积半透明屏幕,其中一侧将有一个电源按钮。文件没透漏尺寸信息。

Despite a bleak outlook for digital cameras in general due to the advent of smartphones, Samsung has long been trying to crack this market -- one of the few areas where Japanese electronics makers still rule -- as the company gropes for a new growth engine in every aspect it can from its vast lineup of electronics products. 三星利用其可观的数字产品阵容在各个方面搜索着新的快速增长引擎。虽然由于智能手机问世,数码相机总体上前景黯淡,但三星仍然期望打入数码相机市场。这个市场是少数几个仍被日本电子生产商掌控的领域之一。

Samsung is the worlds No. 1 maker of smartphones, TVs and memory chips, but has seen earnings growth slow significantly in recent quarters with its key mobile unit losing momentum amid a saturating market. 三星是世界上仅次于的智能手机、电视机和存储芯片生产商,但随着手机市场渐趋饱和状态、造成其至关重要的手机部门丧失了动力,它近几个季度的利润快速增长显著上升。Through its camera unit, the company has been experimenting with various ideas, starting with the integration of Wi-Fi into its cameras and going as far as mashing compact cameras together with smartphones to create a hybrid model, currently dubbed the Galaxy Zoom phone. Samsung recently merged its camera division into the mobile unit and does not break out any earnings results for cameras. 三星仍然在通过它的照相机部门试验各种各样的创新,趁此机会将Wi-Fi统合入照相机当中,仍然到将灵活照相机同智能手机拼在一起,包含一款目前取名为“Galaxy Zoom”的混合产品。

三星前不久将其照相机部门划归手机部门,不分开发布照相机产品的业绩。It remains unclear how consumers can benefit from using transparent displays while taking photos. The design may remain a concept or evolve into something totally different by the time the product reaches customers, as is the case with many of these patent filings. 目前尚能不确切消费者摄制照片的时候半透明屏幕否不会很给力。这种设计有可能还只是一个概念,也可能会在产品面世的时候演化成某种几乎有所不同的东西(很多这类专利都是如此)。

Samsung continues to market its cameras using technologically feasible ones first. The company punched out a mini version of its NX mirror-less camera series on Tuesday at a presser in Seoul where the companys marketing executive for mobile products, Lee Young-hee, was present, surrounded by super models. 三星依然首推其技术不切实际的照相机。该公司3月份在釜山举行发布会,发售NX无镜头照相机系列的“迷你”版,移动产品营销负责人李永熙(Lee Young-hee)在超模手执下参加。As she promoted the companys new NX mini camera to the audience, she asked for volunteers who would like to take a group-selfie with her, emphasizing how taking selfies together is a new trend just like how Ellen DeGeneres did during the Oscar Awards. Taking group-selfies, or wefies as she puts it, will be a new cultural trend. 在向现场观众促销新款“NX mini”照相机的时候,她请求人自告奋勇上台跟她一起自拍电影,特别强调集体自拍电影早已沦为新时尚,就像艾伦德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)在奥斯卡晚会上的自拍一样。

她称作“我们拍电影”(wefie)的集体自拍将沦为新的文化时尚。This camera is made for wefies, she says. 她说道:“这款照相机就是为‘我们拍电影’打造出的。



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