Travelers, corporate travel departments and security consultants are trying to figure out ways to avoid flights that pass over war zones after the revelation that some airlines were avoiding eastern Ukraine while others, including Malaysia Airlines, were flying over areas of conflict.旅客、商务差旅部门以及安全性顾问眼下都想告诉航班的飞行中路线,以避免那些途径激战区的航班。此前据透露,一些航空公司正在避免乌克兰东部飞行中,而还包括马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)在内的其他一些航空公司则经由冲突地区海面飞行中。
With a little research, you can build confidence that your airline is avoiding trouble spots -- or discover if it isnt. While you wont know for sure the exact path your flight will take on a given day, you can figure out whether your airline routinely skirts certain countries, and the most likely route youll fly.你只要稍作研究,之后可对你的航班否避免问题区域做心中有数。虽然你无法确保理解你所乘航班的当日清楚路线,但你可以告诉该航班一般否不会绕过某些国家,以及该航班最有可能执飞的路线。Every day hundreds of passenger airliners fly over trouble spots. Passenger jets regularly pass over Baghdad, for example. There are 41 kinetic conflicts -- situations where people are shooting at each other -- around the world, according to security intelligence firm iJet International Inc., which advises corporate travel departments and airlines.每天盘旋问题地区的客机有数百架。
例如巴格达海面一般都会有客机经过。据安全性情报机构iJet International Inc.回应,全世界目前有41个区域正处于“动态冲突”(指人们相互还击的状态)状态。这家机构主要为商务差旅部门和航空公司获取咨询。
This is not an isolated incident of flying over conflict areas, said iJet chief executive Bruce McIndoe, who has already had conversations with clients -- traveler managers and airlines -- about supplying more information about potential trouble areas. Even though most of the 41 are small, localized conflicts without high-powered surface-to-air missiles involved, its a whole new world as of a couple of days ago, he said.iJet的首席执行长麦金杜(Bruce McIndoe)回应,进步冲突区并不是一件孤立无援的事。麦金杜早已与旅客经理以及航空公司这些客户就获取更加多关于潜在问题区信息的问题展开了交流。尽管在上述41一处冲突中多数归属于小规模的局部冲突,没强劲的地对空导弹的参予,但麦金杜回应,在数天前,这方面还是一个全新的领域。
Theres also the remote possibility of having to make an emergency landing at an airport in the middle of a conflict.而在冲突中应急降落在机场则是一件可能性较小的事。Airlines make decisions for every flight about the planned route, usually based mostly on weather forecasts and winds. Airlines want the most economical route, but often fly around severe weather or take a longer route with more favorable winds. And some are more cautious about flying over conflicts than others.每次飞行中,航空公司都要环绕规划的路线做出种种要求,一般来说主要依据天气预报和风力情况。航空公司期望回头最经济的那条路线,但这样的话往往不会经过天气险恶的地方或者是挑选风向不利、但必须更加长时间的路线。
一些航空公司则比其他公司对于飞经冲突区更加慎重。In the days leading up to the July 17 downing of Malaysia Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine, several airlines, including Australias Qantas Airways and Dubai-based Emirates, regularly flew longer routes around the area of fighting between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces. Other carriers continued to fly routes over the territory that had been deemed safe by local governments and air-traffic control agencies.在7月17日MH17航班在乌克兰东部海面被击毁之前,还包括澳洲航空公司(Qantas Airways Ltd.)和总部坐落于迪拜的阿联酋航空(Emirates Airline)在内的几家航空公司的长途航线常常不会盘旋俄罗斯反对的分化分子与乌克兰军队的激战区附近。其他航空公司之后在被当地政府和空管机构确认为安全性的区域飞行中。
I think this is a wake-up call, said Michael McCormick, executive director of the Global Business Travel Association, which represents corporate travel executives. He says companies and individual travelers assumed airlines could be trusted to fly in safe skies, but now some will start evaluating flight-path risk on their own. Travel managers already use security firms to evaluate risks on the ground, such as riots, strikes, crime and storms.全球商务旅行协会(Global Business Travel Association)继续执行董事麦考密克(Michael McCormick)称之为,他指出这起事故给人们响起了警钟。他说道,公司和个人旅行者指出可以坚信航空公司不会在安全性空域飞行中,但现在一些人将自行评估飞行中路径的风险。旅行经理早已在藉助安全性公司评估地面风险,如暴乱、大罢工、犯罪和风暴等。
The reality is companies send travelers to every corner of the world and we cant make that assumption anymore that airlines are looking after this part of security, Mr. McCormick said.麦考密克回应,现实情况是,企业为首员工到世界各地公干,无法再行想当然地指出航空公司不会对飞行中路径方面的安全性负责管理。Savvy travelers can check up on airlines with flight-tracking services like and Both collect data from air-traffic control agencies and in some cases use automatic position broadcasts from airplanes themselves. They are considered accurate and reliable, with extensive use by airlines and corporate jet services.明智的出有行者不会通过FlightAware.com和Flightradar24.com等航班跟踪服务机构来查找航班情况。两家网站皆从空管机构搜集资料,在某些情况下用于飞机自身的自动定位广播。这些网站获取的信息被指出是准确可信的,被航空公司和商务飞机服务机构普遍使用。
FlightAware and Flightradar24 let users enter an airline flight number and then see the path of the latest trip. Both have flight histories available, so you can check the path over several days. On FlightAware, you can also search for flights by departure and destination, which can give you more flights to compare on roughly the same long-distance path.FlightAware和Flightradar24容许用户输出航班号,然后就可以看见最近一次飞行中的路径。两家网站都获取航班历史记录查找,因此用户可以查阅几天内的飞行中路径。